What Legal Options Are Available for Juvenile Offenders in Florida?

When your child finds themselves in a predicament and is suddenly facing criminal charges, their future is at stake. A juvenile offender runs the risk of serving time and missing out on pivotal educational, workplace, and personal development opportunities.

The first critical step when assessing your child’s potential legal options is to partner with a knowledgeable and compassionate criminal defense attorney. With the right lawyer, your child may qualify for an alternative method of punishment, such as probation. The team at Fighter Law is equipped with the knowledge, connections, and understanding of Florida law to champion your cause tirelessly and help your child protect their future. 

What Legal Options Are Available for Juvenile Offenders? 

When a child under the age of 18 commits a crime, they run the risk of being incarcerated. This can seriously impact their future, unfortunately increasing the likelihood of recidivism. When your juvenile offender is facing criminal charges, their attorney may fight for an alternative legal punishment that is less likely to impact their future in a negative manner, including the following:


Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice offers probation and diversion programs for children who qualify. This model uses alternatives to the formal juvenile justice program to help address youth who have been charged with a minor crime. This probation keeps your child away from incarceration and allows them to concentrate on their wrongdoing and learn from their mistakes. Probation will include many different programs to complete, as well as other requirements, potentially including: 

  • Repayment to the victim, if eligible
  • Letter of apology to victim
  • Forfeiture of driver’s license
  • Regular check-ins with probation officer
  • Curfew
  • Mental health counseling
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Avoid contact with co-defendants

If your child is charged with a serious crime or does not comply with their probation, they run the risk of being ordered to live in a residential facility. 

Community Service

Community service is often a requirement of a probation or diversion program. Community service is a way for your child to give back to the community and learn from their minor crime. This court-order service allows your child to continue with their education and build life skills that a residential facility would prohibit them from doing. Community service will be decided on by the judge or with the help of a diversion program. 

Day Treatment

Day treatment programs are a supervised way of providing additional monitoring and help to offer an alternative educational setting. These programs offer a similar feel to a residential facility but with the freedom to leave at the end of the day. Classes will be provided and attended based on the specific crime and the needs of the child. This can include anger management classes, social skills building, mental health counseling, wraparound programs, and substance abuse education.

Day treatment has been found to be a particularly beneficial method of treatment. The personalized nature of the courses helps target your child’s specific focuses of growth and development and helps to keep them out of trouble in the future. 

Is Your Child Facing Charges? Speak to a Reputable Lawyer Today

Your child’s path to a brighter future begins with Fighter Law. Attorney Thomas Fighter, a board-certified attorney, is committed to securing the best possible outcome for your child while upholding their rights. We’re standing by ready to connect with you, delve deep into the specifics of your child’s case, and formulate a personalized strategy tailored to their unique situation. No child deserves to have their future ruined because of a mistake. 

Take the first crucial step today by scheduling your complimentary consultation and case evaluation. You can easily reach our office at (407) 344-4837 or use our online contact form today.


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