Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer
Experienced Sex Crime Defense Lawyer in Orlando
Being accused of a sex crime is a life-changing event that demands immediate and decisive legal action. At Fighter Law, our experienced sex crime defense lawyers are dedicated to protecting your rights and fighting aggressively to defend against these serious allegations.
We understand the social, professional, and legal consequences of a sex crime accusation. Whether you are facing false allegations, caught in an undercover sting operation, or dealing with a misunderstanding, we are here to stand by you every step of the way.
Why Choose Fighter Law?
✔ Extensive Experience in Sex Crime Defense – We have successfully defended clients accused of rape, sexual battery, child pornography, and solicitation.
✔ Strategic & Aggressive Representation – Every case is unique. We create custom defense strategies tailored to your specific circumstances.
✔ Confidential Consultations & 24/7 Support – We understand how sensitive these cases are, and we handle them with discretion and urgency.
Understanding Sex Crime Charges in Florida
Florida law has severe penalties for sex crimes. Common charges include:
- Sexual Battery / Rape: Non-consensual sexual intercourse with or without force.
- Lewd and Lascivious Conduct: Indecent behavior, often involving minors.
- Possession of Child Pornography: Having, distributing, or producing explicit material involving minors.
- Solicitation & Prostitution-Related Offenses: Engaging in or attempting to engage in paid sexual acts.
A conviction can lead to:
Decades in prison
Mandatory sex offender registration
Loss of employment and professional licenses
Permanent damage to your reputation
You need a sexual assault defense attorney who knows how to fight these cases aggressively.
Undercover Sting Operations & Entrapment Defenses
Law enforcement agencies frequently conduct undercover sting operations, particularly targeting online solicitation, prostitution, and sex trafficking cases. These operations can be highly misleading and often result in innocent individuals being arrested based on false pretenses.
Common Issues in Sting Operations:
Deceptive Police Tactics: Officers may engage in conversations to entrap individuals into making incriminating statements.
False Allegations: Sometimes, text messages, emails, or online chats are misinterpreted.
Lack of Criminal Intent: If the intent to commit a crime cannot be proven, charges may be dismissed.
We are highly experienced in challenging sting operations and exposing weaknesses in law enforcement tactics.
Defending Against Sex Crime Accusations
We build strong, aggressive defenses by:
✔ Challenging the Evidence: Was there a lack of forensic proof? Was the accusation based solely on testimony?
✔ Questioning Witness Credibility: Do inconsistencies exist in the accuser’s story?
✔ Proving Consent: In some cases, consent is the key issue. If the act was consensual, the case should be dismissed.
✔ Fighting Entrapment Charges: If law enforcement induced you into committing a crime, we will expose it in court.
✔ Providing an Alibi: If you were somewhere else when the alleged crime occurred, we will provide solid evidence to prove it.
Immediate Steps to Take If You’re Charged with a Sex Crime
If you are under investigation or have been arrested, take these immediate actions:
1️⃣ DO NOT talk to the police – Anything you say can be used against you.
2️⃣ DO NOT try to explain yourself – Even innocent explanations can be twisted.
3️⃣ CALL an experienced rape defense lawyer in Orlando immediately – Time is critical.
4️⃣ SAVE all possible evidence – Any emails, texts, or phone records may help clear your name.
Speak with a Top Rape Defense Lawyer in Orlando Today
At Fighter Law, we provide tough, strategic, and aggressive defense representation for individuals facing sex crime charges.
Call us today at 407-344-4837 or schedule a free consultation online.
Note: This page is distinct from our Sex Crime Victims page, which is dedicated to assisting individuals who have suffered from sexual offenses.
Fighting for your Freedom and your Future
Many sex crimes today stem from online activity. Forensic scientists can analyze your computer and bring serious Internet sex crime charges against you based on very little evidence. It is extremely important to hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible if you even suspect you may be under investigation for any sex crime. Properly defending these cases takes a lot of work – and you want someone who has done it before. . . successfully.
If you have had to ask yourself any of the following questions, call us right away:
Common Questions
1. I have been accused of a sex crime. How do I defend myself against such an accusation?
2. It’s her word against mine. Doesn’t the guy usually lose in that situation?
3. My ex-girlfriend says I raped her. How can I prove I didn’t when we have had consensual sex so many times in the past?
4. It’s hopeless, isn’t it? I mean, I can’t prove what was in her mind at the moment we were having sex.
5. This is going to cost a fortune to defend, isn’t it?
Our Answers
These are perfectly understandable questions and there are good answers to every one of them. But every case is different. While our clients get themselves into pretty tough situations sometimes, it’s our job to help them by navigating the criminal justice system. It’s never hopeless and defending yourself against these crimes is not impossible. But the lawyer you hire can greatly affect the outcome – be sure to get the best sex crimes defense attorney you can possibly afford.
A sex crime conviction will likely impact you for the rest of your life—there’s no way around it. Times have changed, and we live in an information-driven world. In addition to serving a prison sentence and suffering damage to your reputation and personal relationships, you will have to register as a sex offender indefinitely. This requirement can limit your job opportunities, dictate where you live, and restrict your ability to travel.
We have defended many of these types of cases in the past – successfully. Thomas Fighter is an experienced and aggressive Orlando Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer. He is a former prosecutor for the State of Florida and he was a Special Victim Counsel for the U.S. Army JAG Corps. He knows sex crimes cases from all sides.
Sex crimes make up a significant portion of the cases we handle. Whether the charge involves sexual battery or child molestation, we understand that such an accusation can have a significant impact on your life and the lives of your family.
Many people don’t realize that Florida’s criminal justice system doesn’t require additional evidence to support a sex crime allegation. If someone accuses you of rape and the prosecutor believes the accuser, the state can take you to a jury trial based solely on that accusation.
Hiring the best Orlando rape defense lawyer gives you or your loved one the strongest defense when facing a rape (also known as sexual battery) accusation. Prosecutors aggressively pursue these charges, and the consequences can be severe and life-changing for anyone accused.
When is sex considered rape?
Sex is not rape unless one party does not consent or when one party withdraws consent. So two people can start out having consensual sex (not a crime) and it can turn into non-consensual sex (a crime). When that happens, it makes it harder to prove rape – or sexual battery. Rape is called “sexual battery” in Florida.
What is a sex crime?
Most people think of rape when they hear “sex crime,” but many other offenses fall under this category. Lewd and lascivious molestation, sexual activity with a child, sexual battery, solicitation, video voyeurism, failure to report as a sexual offender or predator, child pornography, sexual misconduct, unlawful sexual activity, and so on. An Orlando Rape Defense Lawyer will be well-versed in all of these.
What kind of evidence might there be against me?
At the very least, a sex crime case begins with an accusation. Shockingly, Florida law only requires the accuser’s spoken words to move forward. Nothing more is necessary. You can be accused, arrested, tried, and convicted based solely on the accusation. If the prosecutor and jury believe the accuser, you could face a lengthy prison sentence and be required to register as a sex offender or sexual predator for the rest of your life.
The biggest hurdle in these cases is not always the forensic evidence, or the photos, or the DNA evidence, or the child protective team (CPT) video that there often is present. It is the accusation. Someone is saying you did something terrible and you are denying it. How can you prove it did not happen? That is really, really hard. It’s the age old question: How do you prove a negative? It is not impossible. Call us for a free consultation to learn how we may be able to help you.
Many of our clients are professionals and/or people with zero criminal history. They ask themselves, “How can this happen to me? I’m innocent! I don’t know why this person is saying this.” We fight against false allegations all the time. Do not lose hope. We have defended people in your position many times in the past.
Who will prosecute my case?
The prosecutor assigned to your case depends on the jurisdiction. In most cases, the local State Attorney’s Office handles prosecution, and an Assistant State Attorney will take charge of your case. Every once in a while the Office of Statewide Prosecution will pick up a case and be the prosecuting authority. That will be the Florida Attorney General. Most of the time, however, it will be the local State Attorney’s Office.
What Should I Do If Someone Accuses Me of Rape?
If someone accuses you of rape, hire a lawyer who will stand by your side and fight to defend you. Don’t wait — taking immediate action can make a crucial difference in your case. As an expert in criminal trial law, Attorney Thomas Fighter is a preeminent and well-known Orlando Rape Defense Lawyer. He has handled these cases many times – on both sides. He has represented both victims and defendants, having worked as a prosecutor and a defense attorney. Don’t just hire a lawyer, hire a fighter. Call 407-344-4837.
Offering Free Consultations
To begin building a strong defense, hire an Orlando sex crimes attorney at the earliest possible stage. Call The Fighter Law Firm, P.A. at 407-574-7576 or contact us online, and we will respond shortly.