Probation Violation Lawyer
Often, people who accept a plea are put on probation. Probation or Community Control is usually issued instead of jail time or is ordered to follow jail time. Essentially, probation is a time to demonstrate to the court that you’re working hard to stay out of trouble.
A violation of probation (VOP) occurs if you fail to meet the terms of your probation, as ordered by the court. There are generally two ways you can violate your probation: (1) you are arrested on or charged with a new crime; or (2) violating any condition of the original probation (i.e., a technical violation).
If you are found in violation of your probation, a bench warrant will be issued for your arrest, and you will likely go to jail without bond. At Fighter Law, we help those facing probation violations in central Florida by negotiating with probation officers. Our goal is to resolve the matter and keep you out of jail.
Just because your probation officer threatens to violate you, does not mean that it is going to happen. Probation officers may misinform you as to what you have to do while on probation. If you have a doubt, call a lawyer and ask them for their opinion. Frequently, we have found that when a client shows us the court orders with the conditions of probation, they are different than what the probation officer is saying.
Possible Outcomes from Probation Violation
If you are found in violation of your probation, the judge has several options. The judge can admonish you not to do what you did wrong again and reinstate you to probation (probably with some additional conditions like more community service hours). This can be pretty rare, especially if you do not have a good relationship with your probation officer and they argue to the judge that they don’t think you should be given another chance. This is one example of where a good lawyer can be worth the money.
Another option the judge has when you violate is to terminate your probation and sentence you to jail or prison. The amount of time that the judge can sentence you will depend on the underlying offense. For example, if you were on probation for a 1st degree misdemeanor, you are probably looking at a year maximum in the county jail. If, however, you were on probation for a 3rd degree felony, the judge can sentence you to up to 5 years of prison in the state correctional system.
We understand the intricacies of probation violations and know what you are up against. Contact us online or call Fighter Law in Orlando at 407-344-4837 to arrange a free consultation. We will aggressively pursue the most favorable outcome for your unique situation.
Do You Need a Lawyer For Probation Violation?
Yes! Get a lawyer right away. If you or a loved one is faced with a violation of probation, it is a good idea to talk to an experienced attorney who knows what the likely outcome will be and who might be able to get the prosecutor and judge to come down on such a sentence.
Probation violations commonly result from:
- Failing a drug test/dirty urine test
- Failing to report to your probation officer
- Being charged with another crime
- Contacting someone with an injunction against you
- Failing to attend court-ordered drug or alcohol treatment
- Leaving the jurisdiction without permission
Probation violations can result from a number of scenarios. No matter whether the violation involved a dirty urine test, failure to report to your probation officer, or other infraction, if you are found in violation of your probation, you can now receive the full punishment for the original crime. Contact a knowledgeable defense lawyer to avoid serious consequences.
We understand how easy it is to violate probation
People who are on probation feel that they are constantly walking on eggshells. One small mistake can result in a probationer serving a full sentence and having diminished rights.
We tenaciously defend our clients against allegations of both technical and substantive violations of probation.
As former criminal prosecutors with thousands of cases under our belts, we use pur knowledge to anticipate the strategies prosecutors will use and work against them proactively.
As your probation violation lawyer, we can represent you at your violation of probation (VOP) hearing and protect you against the serious consequences you face, whether your charge was a felony or a misdemeanor. We will meet with you, listen to your concerns, and explain your options for avoiding significant penalties whenever possible.
If you are on probation in Florida, you already know your freedom is restricted. Although you are not in jail, you are obligated to inform the probation officer when you change addresses and whether you have paid fines, completed community service hours or broken any laws.
You may also be required to observe a curfew, remain in your home while being electronically monitored, refrain from drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs, or observe any of the many other restrictions that can used to control your behavior.
While probation conditions may sometimes seem trivial, any failure to comply may lead to a judge issuing an arrest warrant against you. There is danger in this: Because you have already been sentenced to probation, you will have fewer legal protections than before. In fact, many of your constitutional rights are suspended while you are on probation.
Even if you think you violated your probation, it is wise to discuss your situation only with a trained probation defense lawyer like me, Jessica Travis. Admitting fault to law enforcement, even if your intent is to be seen as cooperative, could result in serious consequences, including jail or prison time.
Probation Violation Lawyer
We can help! Accusations of probation violations have serious consequences, but you are not helpless to their consequences. You can fight back.
Contact the Law Office of Jessica Travis, P.A., in Orlando, Florida, and I can meet with you confidentially, discuss your options and help you limit — or eliminate — any negative consequences of an alleged probation violation.
Offering Free Consultations
For strong advocacy and protection of your rights, hire an Orlando criminal defense attorney at the earliest possible stage. Call Fighter Law at 407-344-4837 or send us an e-mail, and we will respond shortly.