How to Obtain an Injunction in Florida: A Step-by-Step Guide

In Florida, injunctions are available to victims of domestic abuse as a means of protection. Injunctions are also known as restraining orders, and they can be either temporary or permanent. During the time it takes to obtain a permanent injunction, a judge may grant a temporary injunction in order to protect the victim. With the assistance of an experienced injunction lawyer, victims will file the application, wait to see if the judge grants a temporary injunction, notify the respondent of the final hearing, and present their case before the judge in the final hearing for a permanent injunction.

Going to the courts can be intimidating, especially in a domestic abuse scenario. If you need help obtaining an injunction against a domestic abuser, the board-certified attorneys at Fighter Law have the skills and experience you need.

What Is an Injunction?

An injunction is essentially a restraining order. Under Florida Law, there are injunctions for repeat violence, sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, and exploitation of a vulnerable adult; however, the most common type of injunction is the type obtained in cases of domestic violence. The person seeking the injunction is known as the petitioner, and the alleged abuser is known as the respondent. Additionally, there are specific requirements for each type of injunction. In the case of domestic violence, the petitioner must show that the respondent either lives with the petitioner or has lived with the petitioner in the past.

Obtaining an injunction against an abuser can be difficult to do alone. This is why many victims seek the help of a lawyer. A knowledgeable injunction attorney can assist a petitioner with filing the application and help them build a strong case for the final hearing before the judge.

4 Steps to Obtain an Injunction

In Florida, there are certain steps that must be taken before an injunction will be granted. If you are seeking an injunction for domestic violence, you and your lawyer will prepare through the following four steps:

  • Step 1: Fill out the application for an injunction and file it properly. Filing court documents often requires a nuanced understanding of court rules and procedures, which is why many petitioners need the help of a skilled injunction lawyer.
  • Step 2: A judge will review your application and set a final hearing date. The judge may grant a temporary injunction that can last up to 15 days if he or she deems it necessary for your safety. You and the respondent will be prohibited from contacting each other when the temporary injunction is in place.
  • Step 3: The respondent will be notified of the final hearing date. This step is also known as service of process.
  • Step 4: The final injunction hearing will be held before a judge and no jury. During this hearing, the judge will hear from both the petitioner and the respondent and decide whether or not to grant a permanent injunction against the respondent.

As you prepare for a final injunction hearing, you and your lawyer will work together to build the strongest possible case to present to the judge. Our team of lawyers are ready to advocate for you and help you get the protection you need.

Contact Fighter Law’s Experienced Injunction Lawyers Today to Discuss Your Case

Injunctions are a means for victims of abuse to protect themselves from their abusers. The Florida courts take domestic violence very seriously, and temporary injunctions can be granted in an effort to protect a petitioner awaiting a final injunction hearing. Victims of domestic violence deserve to feel safe and have peace of mind when awaiting their final injunction hearing. Our skilled injunction lawyers are ready to help you obtain the injunction you need.

At Fighter Law, we care about the safety of our clients. We understand how traumatic it can be to experience domestic violence, and we want to make sure you obtain an injunction against the respondent as soon as possible. To schedule a consultation, you can call (407) 344-4837 or fill out our contact form here.


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