New legislation requires safe-exchange location for minors.

Covering Orlando, Florida - Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Injunctions, Wills & Trusts, Probate Administration, and Guardianships

7 Different Types of Stalkers

Depending on what you’re subjected to, it can range from annoying to terrifying to be the victim of a stalker. So what motivates a stalker?  Stalkers are often presented in movies or television dramas as men obsessed with beautiful women, but in reality, there are different reasons why some individuals turn into stalkers. Psychiatrists and ...
by Thomas Feiter - March 17th, 2020

Understanding the Cycle of Domestic Violence

Becoming the victim of domestic violence is a tragic, scary, and emotionally devastating experience because the abuse is being inflicted not by a stranger but by someone you felt you could trust. If you have experienced acts of aggression from an intimate partner, you’re not alone. The victims of domestic violence can be both men ...
by Thomas Feiter - March 10th, 2020

How an Injunction Can Help Enforce a Non-Compete Agreement

Businesses sometimes ask newly-hired workers to sign a non-compete agreement, or a contract that prohibits them from engaging with or providing services to another business that’s considered a direct competitor. While an employer can’t require an employee to sign a non-compete, they could choose not to hire that individual if they refused. Companies view non-compete ...
by Thomas Feiter - March 03rd, 2020

Key Differences Between an Injunction and a Restraining Order in Florida

Both injunctions and restraining orders are meant to prevent an individual from committing a particular act. These court-ordered commands are measures that block the defendant-party from acting violently or unjustly toward another individual. Generally, restraining orders and injunctions are used interchangeably in Florida. However, there are a few differences between the two terms that are ...
by Thomas Feiter - February 17th, 2020

How to File a Domestic Violence Injunction in Florida

Domestic and physical violence is intolerable for anyone to live with. In Florida, one in four women and one in seven men will face violence by someone close to them at some point during their life. If you or a loved one is suffering from violent behaviors at the hands of a friend, partner, or ...
by Thomas Feiter - February 10th, 2020

Dos and Don’ts After Being Served with an Injunction in Florida

Having an injunction served against you isn’t something that anyone expects or wants to deal with. If you’ve been blamed for a domestic violence offense, stalking, or another crime like kidnapping, it’s possible that you could have an injunction filed against you in the future. Or maybe you’ve already been informed that an injunction has ...
by Thomas Feiter - February 03rd, 2020

Can I Get a Restraining Order for Cyberstalking?

Feeling harassed or stalked in any situation is an unsettling experience. As we enter 2020, we know people live and breathe all things digital, which makes concerns about cyberstalking even more critical.  Victims who have been cyberstalked want to know what protections they have and whether it’s possible to obtain an injunction against this kind ...
by Thomas Feiter - January 13th, 2020

Can I get an Injunction Against Sexual Harassment at my Office?

Being harassed is an experience that no one should have to endure. Sexual harassment should never be tolerated, and that especially applies to the workplace. Everyone is entitled to the freedom of going to work every day in a safe and professional environment. If you get sexually harassed at your office, know that you don’t ...
by Thomas Feiter - January 09th, 2020

What Does it Take to Get an Injunction Against Repeat Violence?

If someone has repeatedly acted violently toward you, it’s essential to understand that you have a right to seek protection. This protection can be attained by requesting an injunction – or a court-ordered demand for someone to refrain from committing an act toward another person. For example, it can restrain someone from coming within 150 ...
by Thomas Feiter - January 06th, 2020
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