Assault Charges: Elements for Conviction When faced with an assault charge it is important to know that there are three elements required to be convicted with those charges. They include An intentional, unlawful threat An apparent ability to carry out the threat Creation of a well founded fear that the violence is imminent. Case Analysis: ...
Felony charges are very serious and can result in lifelong repercussions, affecting everything from your ability to obtain a job to where you live. If you are currently facing felony charges, it is imperative you reach out to a qualified attorney as soon as possible to immediately begin investigating the circumstances surrounding your case and ...
For most individuals facing criminal charges, the aftermath can be overwhelming. There’s your arrest, potential bail, and then the criminal trial. You may not know where to begin when it comes to finding an attorney, what exactly the criminal trial process entails, or what you can do to prepare yourself for success. Fighter Law has ...
When you are arrested and left facing civil rights charges, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed about the next steps to take. Unless you happen to have extensive criminal defense experience, you likely do not completely understand how a civil rights trial works or what you need to do to get the best possible outcome for ...
When you accidentally cause someone harm, your criminal case will center around the idea of intent. Was the inciting incident that caused the harm purposeful or malicious? If the answer to that question is yes, your intent and conduct are considered criminal. If the answer is no and the harm caused was truly unintentional, your ...
If you have been served with an order to show cause, it’s time to lawyer up and call an attorney! It’s no longer a civil matter, and you can be held in contempt and arrested for a crime. In a Florida injunction (a.k.a. restraining order) case, a show cause hearing is a legal proceeding held ...
An injunction review hearing is where a judge can reevaluate the terms and conditions of an existing injunction or restraining order.
Two of the most important pieces of a criminal defense trial are the intent and the motive. While often mentioned together, they are actually very different aspects of the case and can affect it differently. Guilt is established through intent, and motive is used to explain why an individual did what they did. For a ...
Possession of child computer pornography is a third-degree felony in the state of Florida and will result in very serious penalties. The law allows for the accused individual to be charged separately for each transmission and photo of an exploited minor, regardless of the number of incidents. It’s also important to note that the individual ...