Before you Appeal

On August 21, 2024, the Third District Court of Appeal dismissed a father’s attempt to challenge a final administrative child support order. The case was initiated by the Department of Revenue on behalf of the mother, with both parents submitting their financial affidavits. However, the court issued the support order without a hearing since the father failed to request one. Unsatisfied with the outcome and claiming that the child support amount was miscalculated, the father filed an appeal.

The Court dismissed the appeal, ruling that by not requesting an administrative hearing, the father forfeited his right to challenge the evidence behind the child support calculation. In its decision, the Court emphasized that the father had failed to preserve his argument for appeal. Moreover, the arguments he presented should have been raised during the original administrative hearing. Without a trial court record, the appellate court cannot address factual disputes brought up on appeal.

This case underscores the importance of fully participating in the legal process, and having legal counsel to properly preserve matters for appeal. If you need help navigating the complexities of family law, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Fighter Law today—our experienced team is here to guide you through every step and protect your rights.

Attorney Oscar Salgado.


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