Kissimmee Wills & Trusts Attorney

Whenever you undergo a profound life change, you may want to consider establishing or updating a will or trust to protect your legal and financial interests. This change may include obtaining a new significant asset, experiencing a severe medical health circumstance, or gaining a new family member, among others. You do not need to be elderly to create a will or trust in the interest of you or potential beneficiaries, but not everyone knows this to be true. What other information should you have and understand before you undergo this process?

If you are interested in creating a trust or will, the will and trust attorneys from Fighter Law can help you in several ways throughout this process, including the different aspects you should consider before reaching a final decision and product. We can help you understand what assets you should include, what legal rights you have access to, and how to reduce stress relating to family drama or points of contention. Our clients trust us to simplify and streamline the process.

What Legal Rights Do You Have When Creating Your Will or Trust in Kissimmee?

When you create a will or trust for the future, you have a handful of rights you can use to your advantage. One of the strongest and most helpful is your ability to work with legal representation. If you are concerned about properly formatting these documents and covering all of your bases, a wills and trusts lawyer in Kissimmee can help you mitigate and avoid significant risks.

You also have the right to select executors and beneficiaries during the will or trust creation process. You can determine where assets go and who makes certain decisions after you pass away or cannot make decisions for yourself. Creating a will or trust can give you additional power over your belongings and medical well-being when others might not, such as if you enter a vegetative state or are put on life support.

How to Reduce Stress and Friction With Family Members During the Kissimmee Will and Trust Creation Process

When you create a will or trust to create select beneficiaries of your assets, there is potential for contention and argument among you and your family members. Whether your family brings these concerns to you or keeps you from knowing about them, these disagreements may present themselves to you eventually. If you want to reduce stress in these circumstances, we can help simplify and decrease frustration during this process.

Some individuals choose to liquidate their assets instead of giving specific properties to specified beneficiaries. We also recommend that you work with a Kissimmee wills and trusts lawyer to decrease stress, as this allows you to discuss any concerns away from your family members who are causing you frustration. Depending on the circumstances, your attorney can mediate between you and your family members, allowing you to focus on your decisions without significant influence or harmful interference.

What Assets Should Be Accounted For During the Kissimmee Will and Trust Process?

Often, wills and trusts determine where assets should be distributed, whether to close friends, family members, organizations, or otherwise. While drafting, we encourage you to ensure you are accounting for all your assets. These assets may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Bank accounts
  • Sole ownership properties
  • Shared ownership property
  • Jewelry, precious metals, and personal belongings
  • Beneficiary assets
  • Loans and debts

If you need assistance ensuring your assets are correctly accounted for, we encourage you to work with a Kissimmee lawyer with experience in wills and trusts. Your will and trust attorney can ask questions about your circumstances that you would not ordinarily consider, avoid mistakes, and collect any necessary documentation of these items.

Tips to Follow While You’re Creating a Will or Trust in Kissimmee

Before you dive into creating a will or trust, you should keep a few items in mind while proceeding and processing information. While you’re making preparations or working with a wills and trusts lawyer, we encourage you to follow these recommendations:

  • Collect necessary information and documents
  • Determine your beneficiaries
  • Pick executors
  • Determine the value of your assets
  • Consider liquidity
  • Decide the format and documentation you want
  • Speak with a will and trust attorney

We strongly recommend you work with a wills and trusts lawyer to reduce stress and simplify the legal process significantly. Representing yourself in any legal process can be risky and lead to negative consequences, such as leaving out essential assets that lead to serious contention. Working with a wills and trusts lawyer can mitigate risk.

Want to Create a Will or Trust in Kissimmee? Work With Fighter Law Today

If you want to create a will or trust in Kissimmee, we encourage you to get in touch with our legal team and representatives. The board-certified will and trust attorneys from Fighter Law—including the talented Thomas Fighter—are highly experienced, so we know how to bring you the desired results while reducing your overall stress.

To discuss your case further, you can reach us by calling (407) 344-4837 or completing the contact form on our website. When you contact us, we can give you access to helpful and valuable information and resources. We look forward to hearing from you and working together on your will or trust.

Kissimmee Office Location

Fighter Law

120 Simpson Road Suite B

Kissimmee, FL 34744

Office Number:  407-584-9036