Florida Man Arrested for Assaulting an 82-year-old Woman

A 45-year-old homeless man has been arrested in Orlando in connection with the alleged sexual assault and robbery of an 82-year-old woman. The man was found by Orlando Police in the downtown area, and he is being charged with several crimes, including a sex crime.

According to police, the 45-year-old man broke into the victim’s apartment located on West Colonial Drive. He allegedly cut off her clothes, assaulted her and then fled with money. The 82-year-old woman was taken to an Orlando hospital in stable condition. The man is being charged with home invasion, aggravated battery on a person over 65 with a deadly weapon and armed kidnapping with intent to commit a felony. Other records show the accused man has a history of burglary, theft and battery.

In Florida, sexual battery is one of the most serious crimes in the statutes. Under certain circumstances, such as incidents in which the use of force is likely to cause serious injury, the penalty can be life in prison. First degree sexual battery carries a prison sentence of up to 30 years. Florida also has a statute that addresses battery on a person over 65. The minimum prison sentence is three years with a fine of up to $10,000. There is also a requirement for restitution to the victim and performance of up to 500 hours of community service. The statute also calls for the crime to be reclassified. For example, a second degree felony would become a first degree felony if the victim is over age 65.

A person who is charged with battery or sexual assault may benefit from consulting a criminal attorney. The attorney may review the circumstances of the case and recommend a course of action that may lessen prison time and fines, including negotiating with the prosecution for a concurrent rather than consecutive sentence.

Source: Orlando Sentinel, “Police say knife-wielding transient sexually assaulted 82-year-old woman,” Jon Busdeker, April 21, 2013

Source: Online Sunshine, “Florida Statutes, Chapter 784.08,” 2012


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