Everything You Need to Know About Stalking Injunctions

Florida law defines stalking as when a person “willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person and makes a credible threat to that person.” If you have experienced stalking on more than one occasion, you can legally file for a stalking injunction against the alleged stalker. You will need the assistance of an experienced attorney who can help you present sufficient evidence to obtain the stalking injunction in a final hearing before a judge.

At Fighter Law, our board-certified lawyers have experience in both obtaining and defending against stalking injunctions. If you are a victim, we want to help you find peace of mind by protecting yourself from your stalker. Our team of skilled injunction lawyers is prepared to handle your stalking injunction case.

How to Obtain a Stalking Injunction

If you are being stalked, you can seek a legal solution in the form of an injunction for protection against stalking. You will need to present sufficient evidence of the stalking, and you must include all the necessary elements of the offense. Specifically, you should consider the following factors:

  • Harassment: You must prove that the alleged stalker’s behavior harassed you, which means the behavior caused you severe emotional distress and served no legitimate purpose. You and your lawyer must present enough evidence to meet the reasonable person standard.
  • Credible Threat: You must prove that your stalker made a credible threat against you. This means that the stalker made either a verbal or nonverbal threat directed at you that placed you in reasonable fear for the safety of yourself or a loved one.
  • No Legitimate Purpose: You must prove that the contact between your alleged stalker and yourself served no legitimate purpose, which means the sole purpose for the contact was harassment and nothing else.
  • Repeated: In order to obtain a stalking injunction, you must prove that you experienced the stalking on at least two separate occasions. Many different kinds of behavior may qualify as stalking under the right circumstances. 

Once you file your application, the judge may issue a temporary injunction that will last until your final injunction hearing. The temporary injunction will only be ordered if the judge deems it necessary. At your final injunction hearing, the judge will hear both sides of the case and decide whether or not to grant you a permanent injunction for protection against stalking.

Defending Against a Stalking Injunction

If you discover that someone is accusing you of stalking, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Stalking accusations can be detrimental to your reputation and career opportunities. There are many reasons a person might falsely accuse someone of stalking. For example, injunctions for protection against stalking are commonly sought in situations involving divorce, custody battles, revenge for cheating, and attempting to control another person. If you face stalking accusations and a stalking injunction, you must work hard to prove that the legal requirements for stalking are not present in your case.

Navigating the court system is tricky for those unfamiliar with the nuances surrounding court procedures. It is crucial that you build a strong case to defend yourself at the final injunction hearing. With the help of a skilled injunction lawyer, you can gather the evidence you need to disprove the stalking accusations and prevent a permanent injunction from being ordered against you.

Contact the Experienced Injunction Lawyers With Fighter Law for Assistance Today

Stalking threatens a victim’s physical and emotional safety. Florida courts take stalking accusations very seriously, and victims can seek stalking injunctions against their alleged stalkers. On the other hand, facing false accusations of stalking is scary because your future is on the line. Our talented injunction lawyers know how to obtain stalking injunctions and defend against them. Let us represent you today.

When it comes to handling stalking injunctions, our expertise and trustworthiness are unparalleled. With significant experience as both former prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys, we have successfully represented both petitioners seeking protection and respondents defending against these claims. Stalking injunction cases often involve emotionally charged circumstances, and we approach each case with sensitivity, precision, and a thorough understanding of the legal standards and evidentiary requirements. Whether advocating for petitioners or respondents, we meticulously analyze the evidence, including digital communications, social media activity, and witness statements, to build a strong case. Our ability to navigate the courtroom, cross-examine witnesses effectively, and present compelling legal arguments has earned us a reputation for providing authoritative and reliable representation. Clients trust us to protect their rights, reputations, and safety with the highest level of professionalism and dedication.

At Fighter Law, we care about protecting our clients. To schedule a consultation, you can call (407) 344-4837 or fill out our contact form here.


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