Cyberstalking: How to Prevent and Respond on Digital Terrain

Cyberstalking occurs when a person uses technology—most commonly the Internet—to make another person feel concerned for their safety. Cyberstalking usually involves the repetitive use of threatening or fear-inducing language to invade a person’s privacy. People engage in cyberstalking behaviors over social media, dating apps, and other social websites.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of cyberstalking behaviors, you should consider seeking out legal counsel from a criminal defense and injunction lawyer. Here is some helpful information on how to prevent and respond to cyberstalking on digital terrain.

Who Participates in Cyberstalking?

Despite public perception, cyberstalking behaviors are rarely performed by strangers. In fact, most commonly, cyberstalking is carried out by a person who knows their target well through an intimate, friendly, or professional relationship.

For example, a cyberstalking aggressor usually targets a colleague or acquaintance. Since the majority of cyberstalking happens between two people who know each other, the aggressor normally has access to personal information of their target, including their social media accounts and inboxes and other private knowledge, such as their home address and daily routine.

How to Avoid Cyberstalking

When it comes to avoiding cyberstalking, the best strategy is to take preventative measures to ensure your safety. If you take proactive steps on digital platforms to protect yourself, it’s less likely you’ll experience cyberstalking behaviors. Some general guidelines for avoiding cyberstalking include:

  • Don’t share personal information over the Internet. To avoid cyberstalking, you may want to consider keeping a low profile on your social platforms. Don’t post personal details, such as your address or phone number, and think twice before sharing real-time information, such as your current location.
  • Perform regular software updates. Many software updates include features that prevent information leaks and provide enhanced security measures. Therefore, it is best to perform regular software updates to ensure optimal safety.
  • Adjust your privacy settings. Most social platforms and dating apps have customizable privacy settings. Ensuring your privacy settings are on the restrictive side will allow you to control who can see your profile and contact you.

What to Do If You Are Experiencing Cyberstalking

If you are experiencing repetitive, threatening behaviors on the Internet, there are certain steps you should follow to protect your safety. Actions to take if you are experiencing cyberstalking include:

  • Block the aggressor. In any situation in which your boundaries have been crossed or you feel unsafe, use the tools on various platforms to block a person you wish to cease communications with.
  • Report the behavior to the platform where the exchange occurred. Twitter, Facebook, and many other social platforms have created quick and easy ways to report abusive behaviors. Be sure to report a stalker to these platforms so they can take steps on their side to prevent it from happening in the future.
  • Call the police and seek legal counsel. If you believe the behavior you experienced was illegal or you fear for your safety, you should contact the police to report the person and seek legal counsel for the best advice on how to move forward.

Speak to Trusted Injunction Lawyers in Orlando If You’re Experiencing Cyberstalking

If your life is being negatively affected because of cyberstalking, you should seek legal help immediately. At Fighter Law, our skilled team of injunction lawyers specializes in helping victims of cyberstalking get the protection they need. We understand how frightening and unnerving this experience is, which is why we’re dedicated and passionate about fighting for justice for our clients. Our attorneys have decades of combined experience handling cyberstalking cases in Central Florida.

To schedule a free consultation, call us at (407) FIGHTER (344-4837) or fill out our online contact form.


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