7 Different Types of Stalkers

Depending on what you’re subjected to, it can range from annoying to terrifying to be the victim of a stalker. So what motivates a stalker? 

Stalkers are often presented in movies or television dramas as men obsessed with beautiful women, but in reality, there are different reasons why some individuals turn into stalkers. Psychiatrists and law enforcement use established categories of stalkers as a way to assess the risks they pose to their victims. Studies on the psychology of stalkers and risk factors that can lead to different outcomes have helped mental health professionals better understand stalkers, and have assisted law enforcement in figuring out how to manage them.

If you believe you’ve been the victim of a stalker, here are some of the profiles that psychiatrists have identified and documented.

Are There Different Types of Stalkers?

Studies have indicated that up to 16% of women and 7% of men are likely to be stalked in their lifetime, which is why both the federal government and all 50 states have anti-stalking laws. Those statutes refer to a pattern of behavior that one person carries out against another with the aim of harassing, intimidating, or even terrorizing their victim.

Stalking is often thought of as something done by former spouses or by someone the victim may have casually dated and broken up with. But there are also instances when people are stalked by either an acquaintance they barely know, or even a total stranger.

Stalking behavior can take many forms. Here are seven types of stalkers: 1) Rejected Stalkers, who refuse to accept the end of a relationship; 2) Resentful Stalkers, seeking revenge against a perceived wrong; 3) Intimacy Seekers, who desire a close relationship with their victim; 4) Incompetent Suitors, lacking social skills; 5) Predatory Stalkers, preparing for a sexual assault; 6) Erotomanic Stalkers, believing their love is reciprocated; and 7) Love Obsessional Stalkers, fixating on a stranger.

Some forms of stalking can include someone repeatedly showing up in places the victim frequents, showing up at their job, or sending unwanted gifts in the mail. But victims can also be stalked online. Cyberstalking is occurring more and more frequently today, as stalkers follow the victim on social media or try to embarrass or defame them online.

So why do stalkers engage in this behavior, and what sets them off? Here are the 7 types of stalkers that the healthcare industry has identified.

Rejected Stalker

Some stalkers have been rejected by a person they wanted a relationship with, or have just experienced a breakup. The stalker may be looking for a way to salvage their relationship, or want to remain as close to the victim as much as possible. In other instances, they’re angry and want revenge for being rejected.

Predatory Stalking

Predatory stalkers are often sexually obsessed or have deviant sexual practices. Typically male, their victims are usually women who are strangers, but in who the stalker has a sexual interest. It can start with voyeurism, which becomes a precursor to sexual assault.

Incompetent Suitor

These kinds of stalkers are typically incompetent at relationships, lonely, and target strangers or casual acquaintances. They assume they can convince the object of their desire to start dating them. They can often seem blind or indifferent to the suffering they inflict on the victim. Many of these stalkers have poor social skills.

Resentful Stalker

Some people become stalkers because they feel like they’ve been mistreated in some way. These stalkers often have some form of mental illness, experience feelings of paranoia or persecution, and can be self-righteous and self-pitying. Stalking the victim can be a way to get revenge for their perceived mistreatment. They feel like they have a certain amount of power over the victim as they stalk them.


Often mentally ill, the intimacy-seeking stalker believes the victim will love or learn to love them, and they may have a delusional belief that the victim already does love them. In many instances, they focus on prominent or celebrity figures.

Political Stalker

These stalkers are unique in that they’re motivated by political beliefs, and end up stalking people who either agree or disagree with their views.


The most dangerous, victims are stalked by a hired killer who has instructions to badly injure or murder that person.

It’s also been documented that stalkers are often unemployed or under-employed and can be delusional and have narcissistic personalities. Personality disorders are present in more than half the stalkers who have been evaluated.

Contact the Expert Injunction Lawyers in Orlando

Stalking is a criminal offense that Florida courts do not take lightly. If you need an Orlando stalking injunction to protect yourself, or if you’re falsely accused of stalking, the attorneys at Fighter Law can help. Whether you’re the petitioner or the respondent, we will fight to win you the most favorable outcome to protect your freedom and peace of mind. When you hire Fighter Law, you can rest assured in knowing that we will fight for you.

Attorney Thomas Fighter has experience as lead counsel in taking more than 100 jury trials to verdict and is Board Certified in Criminal Trial Law by the Florida Bar. Contact him today for a free consultation on your injunction case. Call at (407)-344-4837 or complete our online contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions about Types of Stalking Behaviour

What is an intimacy-seeking stalker, and how does their behavior differ from other types of stalkers?

An intimacy seeker often has a severe mental illness and believes they are destined to be in an intimate relationship with their victim. Unlike other types, their stalking behaviour is driven by delusional beliefs that the victim reciprocates their feelings or will eventually come to love them.

How does stalking behaviour vary among rejected stalkers compared to intimacy-seeking stalkers?

Rejected stalkers typically exhibit stalking behaviour motivated by anger or a desire to reconcile after an intimate relationship ends. In contrast, intimacy seeker act out of a delusional need to establish a non-existent relationship, often targeting strangers or public figures.

What is gang stalking, and how is it different from other forms of stalking?

Gang stalking refers to organized stalking behavior by multiple individuals or groups targeting a single victim. Unlike individual stalking, gang stalking can involve coordinated efforts to intimidate or harass the victim, sometimes exacerbating the victim’s perception of paranoia or persecution.

Can severe mental illness contribute to stalking behavior, and which types of stalkers are most affected?

Yes, severe mental illness often underpins stalking behavior, especially among intimacy-seeking and erotomanic stalkers. Their delusions may lead them to believe in a destined or reciprocal intimate relationship with their victim.

How can victims protect themselves from gang stalking?

Victims of gang stalking should document all stalking behavior, seek legal protection through restraining orders or injunctions, and reach out to law enforcement. Consulting experienced attorneys, like those at Fighter Law, can provide additional legal safeguards.

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